The “Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean” is a non‐profit Organization, based in Cyprus. Mar.In.E.M. – as it is now widely known – was established in 2010 with the aim of promoting Marine and Maritime Research, Technology and Innovation, as well as Education and Training in these sectors. At the same time – acting as a Policy Research Center – it encourages and facilitates the Dialogue, Networking and Cooperation among the sector’s stakeholders including regional and international research, academic and governmental institutions, private organizations, NGOs and individuals. In this context It undertakes various initiatives that will strengthen and enhance the cooperation at regional level in line with the European Union’s aspirations for an Integrated Maritime Policy and the 2012 “Limassol Declaration” for the promotion of Blue Growth.
The Institute has organized over the last 5 years numerous events, activities, conferences etc and initiated innovative research projects such as Lynceus, (which received, on 30th of September 2014 in London, the prestigious Lloyd’s List Global Award 2014 in the field of Innovation) and then Lynceus 2 Market (L2M).
The institute has a permanent secretariat consisting of 4 persons/researchers and also has more than 400 Associate and Affiliate Members supporting it in many ways such as delivering presentations to schools on sea-related professions, attending conferences on its behalf, submitting ideas for new research projects or initiatives etc. It has signed MOU for cooperation with various academic and industry organizations.
It also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, The “MARITIME EAST MED: News from the Maritime Cluster of Eastern Mediterranean” which is circulated to companies and professionals both locally and abroad.
Indicatively some of the most recent activities that the Institute initiated or participated:
- 05-06/03/2015 Attended on behalf of Cyprus the Pan-European Dialogue between cruise operators, ports and coastal tourism stakeholders that took place in Brussels
- 26/03/2015 WISTA CYRPUS; Members and Friends Meeting, Presentation of the Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean
- 11/05/2015 Lynceus Project wins the Cyprus 2014 Engineering award from the Technical Chamber of Cyprus
- 20/05/2015 Lynceus project wins the award for the Best European innovative project of the Valencia Region
- 27/05/2015 Attended as panelist at the Union for the Mediterranean Stakeholder Conference in Athens; “Towards a Roadmap for Blue Investment and Jobs in the Mediterranean”
- 28-29/05/2015 Attended as panelist at the European Maritime Day 2015 in Athens at the thematic session: Maritime skills and employment
- 01/06/2015 LYNCEUS2MARKET launched in Cyprus at the presence of the Minister of Transport and other officials
- 30/06/2015 Participated in the Zenobia Week – Conference on “Artificial Reefs Management: Prospects and Benefits for Diving Tourism”
- 13-16/09/2015 Participated at the Maritime Cyprus 2015 Exhibition – with a booth complimentary provided by the Department of Merchant Shipping
- 08-09/10/2015 Organized the Blue Career 2015 – an annual event sponsored by the industry and supported by the Government aiming to inform the youth of Cyprus on the job opportunities in the Maritime and Marine sectors. An official from DG MARE also attended since they would like to initiate similar events at European level.
- 15/12/2015 Attended the EU’s Expert Group on Skills and Careers in the Blue Economy
- 15/01/2016 Organized in Cyprus on behalf of DG MARE a meeting of a Focus Group on “Integrated maritime education opportunities in the area of Maritime Technologies” with the presence of Academics, public and private stakeholders from Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Cyprus. Following this meeting the Group has submitted to the EU a proposal for the establishment in Cyprus of a “Blue Career Center for the Eastern Mediterranean” that will undertake to promote awareness on the Maritime Professions at sea and ashore and to facilitate the interaction between students of the Maritime Education and Training Institutions and prospective employers.
- 04/08/2016 Attended the Press Conference for the establishment of the Cyprus Maritime Academy- CyMA; a project strongly supported by the Government of Cyprus. MARINEM acted as a facilitator and an advisor to the founding institution i.e. the University of Nicosia. The Institute was also actively involved in the establishment of the CyMA’s Board of Governors consisting of Senior Executives from the shipping sector; as well as other distinguished professionals, officials etc. The Institute is also administering on behalf of the Cyprus Ports Authority the “Cyprus Short Sea Shipping Promotion Centre” and participating in the government’s “National Thematic Group for the Development and Promotion of Cruise Tourism”. Furthermore is providing secretariat services to the “Cyprus Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Association” and is also a Member of the “Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme «Thalassa» 2014-2020”, financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and run by the Fisheries Department of Cyprus. It is also regularly be consulted by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Transport and Defence of Cyprus on issues falling within the scope of its activities and maintains close relations with all government departments in Cyprus related to marine and maritime activities as well as with EU’s DG MARE and regional institutions.
It has also recently been invited by the respective Governmental departments to participate in the various sub-committees drafting the National Action Plan for an Integrated Maritime Policy. In July 2016 it has been invited by EU’s DG MARE to join the EU Platform for cooperation on skills in the maritime technology sector with the aim of translating the industry’s needs in terms of skills into a comprehensive EU strategy for skills development
In the past the Institute had also supported projects related to Maritime Heritage such as the excavation of the 4th BC Mazotos shipwreck conducted every summer by the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus. MARINEM had undertaken Marine/ Technical issues for the divers and archeologists; providing also volunteers from its members to run the boats supporting the excavation. It had also supported the Limassol Municipality with the renovation of the old traditional boat “Lambousa” which became the first floating marine museum in Cyprus by providing technical support on naval architecture and marine engineering aspects; always utilizing volunteers – from among its affiliate members – with relevant skills and knowledge.